Three years ago around this time, Covid-19 reared its terrifying head and created a massive road-block in my plans for the future. Like so many young people around the world, I was laid off from work, stuck at home, and my dreams were replaced with a great big question mark. I was forced to take stock of my life, my abilities, my values, and ultimately change my plans. Three years later, I’m in love, I’m living in a beautiful home that I share with my partner, and I’m the proud dog-mom of the cutest pup in the entire world. Most importantly, I have faith in myself and in the future for the first time in my life. This is the spirit with which I am joining Compass as a licensed real estate agent. 

Compass represents the future of real estate - a younger, tech-driven, industry that my generation is finally stepping into with confidence. I come to this business with a natural understanding of where Millennial and Gen-Z first-time home buyers are coming from; economically, culturally, emotionally, and aesthetically. Just a couple weeks ago, The New York Times published an incredible new statistic- single women in the US finally represent more homeowners than single men. It is no accident that this statistic coincides with the self-love, body-positive, fifth-wave feminist revolution of the past few years that was born mostly over social media while we were all stuck at home yearning for a positive mindset in such a confusing time- the same movement that shook me out of my pandemic slump and into the next phase of my life. I’m stepping into this career in this spirit of empowerment; geared both toward dedicating myself to a career that will give me the financial power to achieve my personal dreams, and toward helping my generation achieve our collective home-owning dreams, despite the difficulty we’ve faced compared to our parents’ generation. 

My life-long background in both the arts and the service industry have given me incredible preparation for a career in real estate; in tenacity, hard work, customer care, and empathy. For half my life I watched my mom, Debbie Rehr, build her own real estate career during some of the toughest years in the industry following the 2008 housing crisis. Coincidentally, Julie Mollo began her career at the exact same time - it was one of the first things we discussed when we met, having been able to spot a work ethic in one another that we instantly related to. As one of the most beloved agents in Los Angeles, I’ve been lucky enough to have Julie as my mentor. She has welcomed me into her team with enthusiasm and great care to my training, and her fifteen years experience and expertise in real estate, combined with my unique skill set and point of view will make us a team to be reckoned with.

Another characteristic that Julie and I share is our whole-hearted love for our neighborhoods. The East Side of Los Angeles is home to me. During the pandemic, my long walks around the winding streets of Angelino Heights and Echo Park Lake were like therapy to me. I met my boyfriend Boldo working at Kombu Sushi - a beloved restaurant in the heart of Silverlake. My dog Isaac lives for his twice-daily visits to Bellevue Park, where he meets up with his best buddies for playtime. I do all my shopping at the plethora of thrift shops, flea markets, and vintage boutiques in the area. And my perfect date-night is a French onion soup at Figaro Bistro, followed by a movie at the vintage Los Feliz Theater next door. I’m so excited to spread the love of this area to my clients as we search for their dream home. 

Thank you so much for following along with me on this exciting development. Stay tuned for my newsletters, where I’ll be sharing home-buying stats and tips, decorating ideas, local interest, maybe even a recipe or two. And don’t forget to follow my instagram, where I’ll be serving up some delicious listings and gorgeous LA home vibes.

Love Ya!